They’ll count as neutral dice playing for the house.
If fewer than five are playing, distribute the 8 white dice as equally as possible among the players. Set upĮach player takes eight dice of her own color (red, green, blue, black or white). Ties always negate each other with pay-out going to the player with the next-most dice at the casino – again without tying. If a casino has more than one banknote, second place, etc. pay out, too. You win money at a casino by having the most dice there at the end of the round – without tying anyone. Your only means of acquiring said money is to play at the six casinos – and win. In Las Vegas, your ultimate goal is to acquire the most money. Genius game designer Rüdiger Dorn, took essentially 5 sets of 8 dice, 6 pieces of cardboard illustrated with casinos numbered 1 thru 6, and some cards depicting money and created a game that is engaging, strategic, interactive and super easy and quick to learn.
Have you ever played a game that was so simple, components-wise, so elegant, rules-wise, yet so engaging, play-wise, that you thought to yourself, “Why didn’t I think of that?!!!” For me, Las Vegas is that game.